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Minister Suharso : Protect the Lake Maninjau Ecosystem


Jakarta -- The Minister for National Development Planning emphasized that the Agam people protect the Lake Maninjau ecosystem. He conveyed this in a press conference after a working visit, on Thursday, April 8, 2021.

"I ask, because this will be a world heritage asset, internationally recognized and the pride of the Agam people, I urge the public to protect it," said the Minister.

The Minister explained that one of the ways to protect it is by not polluting the lake, and cage activities must be avoided from methods that threaten the existence of Lake Maninjau.

Bappenas noted that Lake Maninjau is one of the 15 National Priority Lakes which has national strategic economic potential.

The existence of the Danau Maninjau Hydroelectric Power Plant since 1983 has provided great electricity benefits which have become the interconnection between West Sumatra, Riau, Jambi, Palembang and Lampung.

However, the Minister regretted the condition of the lake which experienced silting over time.

"Earlier I heard. Initially, the depth reaches 165 meters, now it has silting to 100 meters. In the next 100 years we don't know it will be even shallower. That is very unfortunate, "said the Minister.

The Minister also appealed to cage activities not to use unorganic trawls.

"Therefore, the public must be immediately made aware of those who are active in the cage not to use inorganic trawls in the form of antibiotics so that the population is fast but unhealthy," said the Minister.

Therefore, the Minister invited environmental figures, the community, the press and all parties to educate the public to maintain the continuity of Lake Maninjau.


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