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Head of Bappenas Visits SPAM Umbulan

Surabaya - On Friday, April 16, 2021, the Minister of National Development Planning conducted a working visit to the SPAM Umbulan in Pasuruan Regency which was inaugurated by President Joko Widodo on March 22nd, 2021.

Umbulan Regional SPAM plays a strategic role in providing access to drinking water to 1.6 million people or 320,000 house connections in Surabaya City, Pasuruan Regency, Pasuruan City, Sidoarjo Regency and Gresik Regency.

By 2024, all Indonesians are targeted to have access to safe drinking water, 15% of households have access to safe drinking water, and 30% of households have access to piped drinking water which is fulfilled through the Major Project for the construction of 10 million house connections.

According to WHO, inadequate provision of access and drinking water and sanitation can cause economic loss of 1.5% of GDP. As for the health sector, providing access to drinking water and proper sanitation can reduce the disease risk index by 0.39.

In East Java Province, households that have access to proper drinking water reached 95.56%, of which 19.89% were access to drinking water by piped networks.

The construction of the Umbulan Regional Drinking Water Supply System is one of the government's efforts to increase access to drinking water for piped networks in East Java Province and is one of the first Regional SPAM projects in Indonesia developed through the Government-to-Business Partnership funding scheme.

During his visit, the Minister appealed to the Provincial Government to immediately organize the area around the springs and solve social problems, in the context of safeguarding raw water sources, one of which is through the determination of the Umbulan Spring area as a vital object of the state.

The Minister also emphasized to increase the sustainability of raw water supply. "It is necessary to conserve the upstream area and catchment area through, arrange the area around the Umbulan spring to protect the quality of raw water, implement a reforestation program, restrict drilling well permits around the Umbulan Regional SPAM catchment area, and conserve the upstream area," concluded the Minister.


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